So, here it is. I completed the necessary information to register. I have this lovely little domain. I selected a template, uploaded a few pictures (thank you, Tom), and am sitting here - at the laptop - in my dining room...
What kind of blog do I want this to be?
Perhaps a Seinfeld-esque type blog would be good? You know, a blog about nothing. Or there's my never ending quest to find my pre-baby body through my dieting and "exercise." (Yes, exercise is in quotes for a reason.) So, a Tyler Perry's Diary of a Big Mac Woman blog? How about my conservative political musings if I promise not to rant? An O'Whitey Factor blog? And of course, there's always my life as a wife and mom of 2 kids. A Debra Barone blog with some ethnic flare? Now there's a woman I can identify with.
Hmmm, maybe I don't have to have it defined up front. Let's not rush to put this Baby in a corner. I have a feeling this living blog will kind of take on it's own qualities over time. You'll probably just get to see bits of the world through Annie-tinted glasses. I'll do my best not to make it a scary place. :)
So, thanks for joining me whenever you can.
My inner geek just shook two happy fists in the air. I am a blogger.