Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Overcome inertia and just do it.

I've been toying with the idea of writing a blog for a while, and after having dinner with some friends the other night, I've been inspired to launch.

So, here it is. I completed the necessary information to register. I have this lovely little domain. I selected a template, uploaded a few pictures (thank you, Tom), and am sitting here - at the laptop - in my dining room...

What kind of blog do I want this to be?

Perhaps a Seinfeld-esque type blog would be good? You know, a blog about nothing. Or there's my never ending quest to find my pre-baby body through my dieting and "exercise." (Yes, exercise is in quotes for a reason.) So, a Tyler Perry's Diary of a Big Mac Woman blog? How about my conservative political musings if I promise not to rant? An O'Whitey Factor blog? And of course, there's always my life as a wife and mom of 2 kids. A Debra Barone blog with some ethnic flare? Now there's a woman I can identify with.

Hmmm, maybe I don't have to have it defined up front. Let's not rush to put this Baby in a corner. I have a feeling this living blog will kind of take on it's own qualities over time. You'll probably just get to see bits of the world through Annie-tinted glasses. I'll do my best not to make it a scary place. :)

So, thanks for joining me whenever you can.

My inner geek just shook two happy fists in the air. I am a blogger.


  1. Annie,

    I just love reading your posts on FB. Can't even begin to imagine what wonders your mind will create on this blog. You have your first reader, follower! Your humor is evident in what you write and you have a way of getting your point across and make me smile with realization of yeah, she hit the nail on the head.

    Love you, Lisa

  2. Looking forward to hearing more, Annie. I'm with you. Let it roll! ;-)

  3. I have every intention of reading this and becoming even more jealous of the fabulousness which is you. But, I'm committed to surrounding myself with funny, kind, inspiring people and you fit the bill. So type on and I shall follow --and hopefully be inspired to join the ranks of blogger one day myself.
    I'm a blogger, he's a blogger, she's a blogger, they're all bloggers. Wouldn't you like to be a blogger too?

  4. Let's give them something to talk about...

  5. Remember that somethings need to remain between sisters. =D
